Faith of Our Fathers

At the funeral, the only time the urge to cry expressed itself was singing a particular verse of one of the hymns, How Great Thou Art. This was one of the songs my father had sung as a solo for others in my position, being comforted and supported by a community of friends and faithful on a day of final loss. Accompanied by the same organ, reading from the same hymnal, in the same choir loft that he and I stood in 50 years ago singing side by side. 

I think the sadness flowed when I pictured my father singing this now, about himself, for us all to hear in our imaginations. "I'm going home!" How easy to see him bow in humble surrender. And rise with a great beaming, familiar smile.

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation

And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart

Then I shall bow, in humble adoration

And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"

I'm sure it was the overflowing joy from my father's heart that washed over mine. That brought the tears. That invited surrender. 

The love of Jesus was washing over Bill Belden, and all those around him there. The faith of our fathers.


Hi Jeff! I am trying to mail a card to Sandy and you. I would be happy to mail it to a preferred email address if you would be so kind to share it. Otherwise, I will send it to you at your business address at the University. The post about your Father, Bill Belden, is splendid. It gave me pause and time to reflect on my relationship through the years to my own Father, his Faith, and the music that empowered us and our lives until the day he died and beyond. Thank you, my Friend, for this time to reflect, cry again, and give attention to thoughts and feelings about Father's, Faith, and Friendship.

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