[originally posted November 7 2011, 6:33 PM]

My father went AWOL this week for the second time in his life, that I know of. The first time was when he was in the Army after World War II in postwar Japan. He snuck out the window in the barracks to say one last goodbye to his Japanese girlfriend.

This time he was just enjoying the nice weather, went outside into the nursing home courtyard, and then wandered through the unlocked fence gate. He says he spotted some broken glass in the roadway and was just going to pick it up to save someone from getting a flat tire.

The staff promptly spotted him where he shouldn't be, and now he is staying in a more secure area, and subject to excessive supervision, as he sees it. 

My wife and I picked him up and took him out to lunch at the local Taco Bell. We needed to wash up in the restroom, so dad went into the men's room while I waited outside. I thought I'd let my father wait outside the men's room while I washed up. My wife thought I was being imprudent, and a 3rd AWOL would be likely.

So she encouraged me to just use the ladies room and she would guard both doors. When I came out, of course there was a woman standing there waiting to use the ladies room. I told her that I could explain everything. She said "I hope you didn't pee on the seat".

Boys will be boys.